Employees spend over a third of their lives between the ages of 16 and 65 at work so it is important to understand the relationship between work and employee wellbeing. Researchers at Glasgow Caledonian University and Proactive Works Ltd are conducting a study looking at wellbeing in relation to sickness absence and being unwell in the workplace. This collaboration is designed to offer organisations a unique opportunity to participate in a research project into the validation of a questionnaire assessing the impact of presenteeism on employees and business.

Presenteeism is the action of employees coming to work despite having a sickness that justifies an absence and as a consequence, they are performing their work under sub-optimal condition, which negatively impact on engagement and productivity.

Presenteeism is rarely measured despite it costing twice as much as absenteeism.

The purpose of the questionnaire is to provide organisations with purposeful and valuable information. This includes:

  • The cost of presenteeism in monetary terms to the business in the previous 3 months
  • How many of your employees have attended work unwell in the previous 3 months
  • Identify what the main causes were (musculoskeletal, psychological, cold/flu). This information is essential to inform companies which areas of employee wellbeing they need to develop
  • Assess how presenteeism has impacted on the employees’ quality and quantity of work, and work errors
  • Assess why employees felt they attended work unwell

Please find below a script explaining the questionnaire to your employees and the general link to complete the questionnaire. If you have any questions please contact us as soon as possible. We are hoping to collate the data by the 20th of May as we have a deadline of June to submit our findings as this is a funded project.

Branching logic is used in the questionnaire so only if an employee answers ‘yes’ to attending work unwell do all the questions become visible.


As an employee you are invited to give your valuable opinion by completing an anonymous and confidential questionnaire that should take around 2 minutes to complete. As a thank you for your participation, you will be given the opportunity to be entered into a prize draw. You and your employer will be given a summary of the study findings.  To participate in the study, please click on the link above to proceed to the questionnaire.

Thank you for taking part!