Understanding and Supporting Employees who Foster

The Fostering Network, the leading charity for foster care in the UK, estimates that 1 in 800 employees combine their work with being a foster carer, offering vital support and love to ‘looked after’ children.

Scotland (and across the UK) has got a real challenge around the lack of foster carers. The Fostering Friendly Employers (FFE) offer helps employers play a part in both encouraging and supporting employees who could be, or already are foster carers, as well as demonstrating wider organisation social values.  40% of the UK’s foster carers manage their caring responsibilities alongside other employment.  Seeing more employees from within Scotland’s corporate sector engaging, will help play a part in building both numbers and diversity.

The Fostering Friendly employers scheme supports companies to understand foster carers’ needs and responsibilities and put in place a simple policy to ensure they are met. The charity can help promote companies’ accreditation and raise awareness of foster care among staff teams.

Employees are hugely appreciative of the scheme: “I return to work inspired and motivated; even more determined to make a difference, because I’ve supported a young person through a difficult situation. Foster caring spurs you on in every aspect of your life.”

The scheme is growing fast, with over 160 employers signed up including John Lewis, Nationwide and Santander. It also has the full support of the Scottish Government, not least because foster families care for over 4,000 children in Scotland and hundreds more are needed every year.

Contact the charity at: FosteringFriendly@fostering.net to find out how you can benefit.