WEBINAR SERIES: How ‘NOT’ to Alienate Gen Z – Master the art of attracting, engaging, and retaining tomorrow’s leaders

Are you ready to transform your workplace from within? Join in an empowering journey where YOU become the catalyst for change. Welcome to “Be the Change”, an exclusive webinar series brought to you by Trickle – the voice of employees everywhere and supported by Hr NETWORK Magazine.

Hr NETWORK Magazine is delighted to be supporting Trickle with their latest and hugely anticipated WEBINAR SERIES. We’re very excited to invite HR and people professionals from across the Hr NETWORK Community to the next Trickle webinar in their ‘Be The Change’ series; How Not to Alienate Gen Z: Master the art of attracting, engaging, and retaining tomorrow’s leaders, featuring the renowned Lucy Kemp. With over 20 years of experience across various sectors, Lucy excels in tackling strategic employee experience challenges and delivering creative, effective solutions.


The webinar in the ‘Be The Change’ series; How Not to Alienate Gen Z: Master the Art of Attracting, Engaging, and Retaining Tomorrow’s Leaders, featuring the renowned Lucy Kemp. With over 20 years of experience across various sectors, Lucy excels in tackling strategic employee experience challenges and delivering creative, effective solutions.

  • DATE: Wednesday 26th June 2024
  • TIME: 11.30am – 12.15pm (BST)

During this webinar, you’ll gain insights into:

  • What Gen Z truly wants from their employee experience
  • Navigating the changing professional landscape so you can retain your most valuable asset
  • Eye-opening anecdotes and statistics from Lucy’s extensive research involving over 2000 Gen Z workers

Lucy has spent over two decades working across different industries, developing a keen understanding of employee experience strategy. She is committed to creating the workplaces we all wish we worked in, by listening to and valuing everyone’s input, and applying her EX Audit methodology. Her approach is grounded in data, and she actively engages in research to genuinely grasp what employees desire from their experience at work, so that
she can advise companies on how they can do the right thing for the people that work for them.

In this session, she will be taking us through the insights gathered in her paper (THE GEN Z BLUEPRINT) which aims to provide actionable insights into improving workplace environments for those just entering the workforce PLUS a sneak peek into her next whitepaper ‘Unlocking the Future with Gen Z Women’ which is due out later this year.

Join in to learn how to attract, engage, and retain the next generation of leaders. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding and approach to Gen Z in the workplace.

We can’t wait to see you there – and remember if you can’t make the session ‘LIVE’ – please do register to receive a copy of the recording.