20% of Brits are earning over £1,000 per month from side hustles
20% of Brits are earning over £1,000 per month from side hustles Now that we’ve started the new year and people in the UK look to begin a new chapter, a change or alteration to [...]
20% of Brits are earning over £1,000 per month from side hustles Now that we’ve started the new year and people in the UK look to begin a new chapter, a change or alteration to [...]
Poor employment rates amongst those with neurodivergent conditions, research by Heston Blumenthal OBE reveals Research commissioned by restaurateur and chef Heston Blumenthal OBE, who has been diagnosed with ADHD and bipolar, finds more than one [...]
Career development is the number one reason why employees quit their jobs Lack of career development is the number one reason that employees quit their jobs, according to a new report by Great Place To [...]
72% of UK firms struggle with skills gaps and are turning to AI and upskilling amid £275m productivity loss 72 per cent of companies are lacking the necessary talent in key areas like AI, [...]
Robertson awarded IIYP Platinum accolade Robertson has been awarded the highest Investors in Young People (IIYP) accolade, receiving Platinum accreditation in recognition of its commitment to being an employer of choice for young people [...]
The Great Potential: Nearly half of UK employees want to change their career LHH, a leading integrated talent solutions provider and global business unit of the Adecco Group, today releases the UK findings from its [...]
Business leaders identify HR as ripe for disruption by AI Amidst tough economic conditions, business leaders see the potential for AI and automation to revolutionise HR and make businesses more efficient. But leaders will only [...]
More women taking flight and joining the aviation industry In 2021, female pilots made up around 64,979 of total FAA-certified pilots, accounting for only 9%, a recent survey showed. Professions like mechanics, maintenance crew member, [...]
Manifesto for Scotland’s young people launched The Rural Youth Project Manifesto, which highlights the issues facing young people and how they can be better supported, was presented recently to Rural Affairs and Islands Cabinet Secretary, [...]
SSE launches pilot scheme to help job hunters into the industry Low carbon energy firm SSE has launched a new pilot jobs programme to help recruit people into the industry in the wake of the [...]