Officers Association Scotland (OAS) hosted its most recent networking event on 9 February in the Central Hotel, Glasgow in association with The Network Glasgow, a military networking group, which was attended by a range of employers and candidates. Mary-Clare Macfarlane, CEO of Officers Association Scotland said; “Representatives from David MacBrayne Ltd, Savills, Fujitsu, Morgan Stanley, Barclays, SSE, Change HR and Red The Consultancy to name but a few, supported the evening and made it both a success and very informative for the ex-military candidates who attended.”

OAS is a military charity, which provides employment support to former military officers as they start second careers on leaving the armed forces. OA Scotland works with military networks in Scotland to hold regular networking events in Edinburgh and Glasgow and always extend a warm welcome to employers who would like to attend.

The events give employers a chance to meet former military personnel in an informal setting and the ex-military candidates get the opportunity to meet employers and find out about civilian careers.  OAS provides an extensive range of no-cost recruitment services to employers and through a number of professional consultants who are always very pleased to help with recruitment and vacancy management.

Candidates range from early career officers through to senior officers. Most have degrees and are professionally qualified with a wide of experience. Some of OA Scotland’s candidates, who left the services a few years ago have already gained commercial experience. All have extensive leadership, communication and management skills.

Candidates come from a variety of professional backgrounds – including Project Managers, Operations and Change Managers, Logistics, Engineers, Training & Development specialists and HR Managers are among the many specialisms that military candidates offer and OA Scotland’s candidates are now working in every sector of the Scottish economy and in a wide variety of organisations.

For more information about OA Scotland, visit: