Hr NETWORK magazine has begun 2017 with an insightful look at Modern Slavery and the steps that employers can take with an ever increasing need to comply with working practice legislation. Brodies LLP, Scotland’s largest law firm, advises that the ‘key duty imposed’ on employers is publishing an annual slavery and human trafficking statement. The statement must detail the stes taken to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in the business or in its worldwide supply chain. The intention is that ‘responsible businesses’ proactively manage modern slavery risks and use their purchasing power to deliver ethical behaviour throughout their supply chain, says the firm.

Similar to Brodies LLP, Pamela Zielinski is an expert on consulting on the Modern Slavery Act in her role as Director of Ethitas. Pamela advises that HR or managers must check their firm or those they deal with in the supply chain, which policies they have in place, stating which areas in the business are of the highest risk. Practitioners should examine the steps being taken to assess and manage that risk, how effective their actions are and they will be measured.

Other topics featured in the latest issue of Hr NETWORK magazine include:


  • One in five workers forced to use holidays’ to attend funerals
  • Temporary vacancies in Scotland rise 35% year on year
  • Parents dread giving careers advice more than explaining ‘birds and the bees’

Statistically Speaking – Productivity increase from adopting flexible working

Employment Law Update from Burness Paull LLP – 10 things you need to know about the Trade Union Act 2016

Feature Two – Hr NETWORK Awards 2016 – A full review of all the winners, guests and sponsors at the recent Hr NETWORK National Awards 2016

Feature Three – Hr NETWORK ‘Women in Leadership Conference 2017 – A full preview and delegate booking form for the forthcoming Conference on Women in Leadership

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