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Best Employer/Workplace
of the Year

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Award Nomination Criteria

Typical Nominees: Nominations will be for the whole organisation. This award will take in to consideration the positive culture and health and wellbeing practices being encouraged in the workplace by one of Scotland’s many positive organisations. Judges will be looking for empirical evidence such as external accreditations, for example, Living Wage, IIP, BITC , Healthy Working Lives and the like, but also by experiencing the culture and ‘feel’ of the organisation through a site visit.

Executive Summary:

Please provide a summary of your category nomination in no more than 500 words.

Supporting Evidence (essential):

  1. What employees say about the organisation in general, perceptions of how it’s managed and what are its values and principles
  2. How effective communication is between employees, colleagues and management
  3. What employees feel about training, personal development and career prospects including pay, reward and additional company benefits
  4. How employees feel about stress, pressure at work, and work life balance and what commitments the organisation has made to the health, safety and wellbeing of all staff
  5. What ways can the organisation demonstrate that its employees are engaged, feel it is a great place to work and would recommend it to others

Summary to follow.

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Best Employer/Workplace of the Year

Nominee Details

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Nominator Details

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