Diversity & Inclusion Award
of the Year
Sponsored by:

Introduced in 2019, the Diversity & Inclusion award reflects how vitally important it is for organisations to create the conditions where diversity is valued and equality promoted, reinforcing an inclusive culture in today’s modern workplace. The award is aimed at organisations that show commitment to building a fair and inclusive culture for ALL. Judges will seek evidence of diversity & inclusion strategies/initiatives that demonstrate impact beyond simply meeting legislative requirements relating to protected characteristics. Judges will also seek evidence that shows how actions have made a real difference to people as well as the wider organisation over the past twelve months.
Award Nomination Criteria
Typical Nominees: Nominations will either be on behalf of the whole organisation or will typically be senior managers or specialists responsible for the overall planning and implementation diversity & inclusion. Such individuals may not necessarily be members of the HR/OD function. Nominees will be nominated by the Chief Executive or relevant Executive Director.
Executive Summary:
Please provide a summary of your category nomination in no more than 500 words.
Supporting Evidence (essential):
- Evidence that diversity and inclusion is embedded in the culture of the organisation
- Evidence of measurement, monitoring and evaluation of the D and I strategy throughout the organisation and that it is driven from executive level down
- Evidence that the organisation has focused on its goals and targets to deliver its vision for a fair and inclusive environment for all
- Evidence to show the organisation’s commitment to attract new diverse talent whilst encouraging and supporting existing diverse talent
- Evidence of groups and networks set up to support the D and I initiatives and that diverse talent feels supported by the appropriate networks
Benefits of sponsoring this category:
By sponsoring this category, you are directly supporting the HR community in Scotland. Hr NETWORK has been committed to supporting HR professionals and those closely associated with this vibrant and energetic community for more than 13 years.
Sponsoring this award category will enable you to:
- Promote your employer brand or products & services directly to the HR and business community across Scotland
- Enjoy rich content media coverage within Hr NETWORK magazine
- Showcase your brand throughout the year and at the Awards Gala Dinner
- Enjoy networking with a range of influential HR and business professionals
- Stand out from your competitors by showcasing your company’s commitment to supporting HR and business professionals across Scotland
- Build on your organisations’ credibility by supporting events which specifically support HR and business professionals across Scotland
- Entertain your key clients in a professional and credible environment
- Opportunity to present your sponsored category in the presence of 800 HR and people professionals
For further information please contact the Awards Planning Team on Tel: 0131 625 3267 or email: awards@hrnetworkscotland.co.uk
For further information, please visit: www.hrnetworkjobs.com/events/awards